Class: from FDIC
The FDIC assigns classification codes indicating an institution's charter type (commercial bank, savings bank, or savings association), its chartering agent (state or federal government), its Federal Reserve membership status (member or nonmember), and its primary federal regulator (state-chartered institutions are subject to both federal and state supervision). These codes are: N National chartered commercial bank supervised by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency
SM State charter Fed member commercial bank supervised by the Federal Reserve
NM State charter Fed nonmember commercial bank supervised by the FDIC
SA State or federal charter savings association supervised by the Office of Thrift Supervision
SB State charter savings bank supervised by the FDIC
Cert: This is the certificate number assigned by the FDIC used to identify institutions and for the issuance of insurance certificates. Enter the number at the Institution Directory (ID) system "will provide the last demographic and financial data filed by the selected institution".
See Calculated Risk Post:
Unofficial Problem Bank List at 798 Institutions